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            New beginnings for a well-established company
     TRADE NEWS  Returning to their roots in the very building in   From the surroundings of the peaceful Suffolk

                                                 countryside, the team work in a completely
            which the company was formed, the Kevin Mayhew
                                                 new way, with everyone pitching in and get-
            Publishers staff came together to refurbish their
            original home and move back to Fengate Farm.
                                                 previously. A much more practical revolving
            Following the sale of their Buxhall premises, and   ting involved in areas they never would have
                                                 system and customer service response time
            the move over to external distribution alongside the   of within twenty-four hours - something
            streamlining of systems, processes (and the team   that has never previously been achieved - is
            itself) during lockdown, the emerging company is   backed-up by the brilliant Lion Sales Services
            almost like a start-up with the benefit of best-sell-  for trade customer queries and sales.
            ing lines and years of product knowledge. With   For more information contact
            Barbara Mayhew, and the return of Kevin Duncan
            and Abbie Goldberg, the team running things have
            created a hard-working, efficient, but fun and   Abbie Goldberg, Senior Manager,
            enjoyable place to work.             Kevin Mayhew Publishers

            Word for Word Bible Comic –                                             The Unicorn Tree

            misprints redeemed with Kintsugi                                        Bookshop re-opens

                                                                                    in Lincoln

                                                                                    For sixteen years Unicorn Tree Books has
                                                                                    been in Lincoln Central Market keeping a
                                                                                    Christian bookshop in the city, but it looked
                                                                                    like that was about to end due to the market
                                                                                    closing. God had other plans, sometimes we
                                                                                    first have to let go completely to let God pick
                                                                                    it up, and on the day I’d decided I could walk
                                                                                    away acknowledging the time and season,
                                                                                    the vicar in charge of St Benedict’s came in
                                                                                    after a meeting at the diocesan offices and
            Recently Word for Word Bible Comic had a print   Kintsugi (‘golden joinery’): The Japanese art   asked could I draft a letter outlining plans for
            run of 5,000 books arrive with a major misprint,   of repairing broken pottery with gold. As a   the building ...
            but instead of being rejected, these books were   philosophy, it treats breakage as part of the   Long story short - after some hard grace-
            destined to be redeemed!           object’s journey, and that, once repaired, it is   filled work, and many packing boxes later,
                                               stronger at the broken places.
            Since September the Word for Word Bible                                 we are moving into St Benedict’s Church,
            Comic has been expanding into the USA with   Now, these pivotal words have been restored.   St Benedict’s Square, Lincoln. A soft open
            new versions of the comic utilising the NIV   Not with just a plain sticker, but with a beautiful   at the end of March saw us starting to build
            with Spanish co-editions. During the printing of   holographic bringing extra attention to the verse   the plans for the ministry dreamed of and
            our first co-edition, The Book of Jonah (ISBN   just like golden joinery.  envisaged for the bookshop in St Benedict’s
            9781914299025), a verse in the copy failed to   It has been a lot of work, applying 5,000 stickers   and the fresh expression community hub
            appear. (Jonah 3:10)                                                    with it.
                                               by hand, but now these books are unique rather
            We strongly felt it would be wrong to destroy   than flawed, giving these first editions something   Melanie Carroll can be contacted at
            these misprints, as per industry standard, due to   special as well as redemption.  Unicorn Tree Books, The Bookshop in St
            the waste and environmental impact of printing   Alex Morgan, Word for Word Bible Comic  Benedict’s Church, St Benedict’s Square,
            a second run. So, after praying about it we felt                        Lincoln, LN5 7AR.
            inspired to redeem them with Kintsugi.
                                                                                    Twiiter: @unicorntreebks
                                                                                    Facebook: /UnicornTreeBooks
              Alive by Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer                               

              Apologies that the incorrect bibliography details were given for the
              book review of Alive by Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer in the March issue of
              Together (page 30).
              The correct information is –
              ISBN 9781642892406/Ligonier Ministries/
              Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer/£11.50                                            Setting up the Unicorn Bookshop
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