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            Trade News
     TRADE NEWS  Kingsway CLC Trust are the sponsors of Together magazine Trade News

              Scamp Publishing                 Discovering the pleasure of reading

              support prison                   Reading for me has been challenging due to
                                               being dyslexic. The words on the page keep
              ministry                         jumping up and down, which makes it difficult
                                               to read and causes eye strain. Because of this,
              Scamp Publishing are thrilled to be   reading a book usually takes a long while. When
              working with a generous sponsor to donate   we went into lockdown last year, I had more time
              500 copies of Scamp titles, including   for myself and decided to start trying to read
              The Family Bible, to the prison ministry   more as there wasn’t much else to do. I was
              of Julie Carvill. She was the winner of the   amazed and taken aback at how the Lord opened
              CRT Community Impact Award in 2021   my eyes and gave me the ability to read without
              for placing inspirational books into the   eye strain. I discovered a new excitement for
              Irish Prison Service. ‘As soon as I saw   reading and have now read over fifty-five books
              the video presentation at October’s CRT   since the beginning of the pandemic!
              event, I knew Scamp had titles that fitted   The book I am currently reading is The Book
              so perfectly’, says Andrew Wormleighton,   of God by Walter Wangerin, published by Lion
              ‘and only weeks later I was asked if I knew   (ISBN 9780745955391). It is the Bible written
              of a good cause that would benefit from a   as a novel and has been on my bookshelf for
              donation’. Julie Carvill of ChristianBooks.  many years. If you’re like me, reading the Bible
              ie responded, ‘I am so grateful to the   can sometimes be a challenge and not the most
              sponsor and to Scamp Publishing for these   enjoyable thing to do.
              attractive books that present the gospel
              so tastefully. I know the prisoners will   This book has helped to bring Bible stories,
              enjoy reading them. Some will also go to   people and situations to life for me, possibly
              Christian Rehab centres for ex-offender   for the first time. It is like reading a good novel,   If there is a book you have recently read that
              addicts. Others will be a real blessing to   transporting my thoughts and mind into a   has impacted your life, I am sure Together
              children who suffer the devastation of a   different time and place. It is a gripping read. It   magazine would like to hear your story, too.
              parent in prison.’               is not an alternative to reading the Bible but an
                                               enjoyable way to immerse yourself in a gripping   Annie Mackenzie, Retail & Sales Manager,
                                               story which is what God’s message is all about.  Ashburnham Place

                                               Gold Sales Achievement

                                               Award for 10Publishing

                                               The Freedom of Self–Forgetfulness: The Path
                                               to True Christian Joy, from pastor and author
                                               Tim Keller, has surpassed more than 500,000
                                               copies in sales and received the ECPA Gold
                                               Sales Achievement Award for a half-million
               ISBN 9781838453411/Scamp        in sales of all formats including print, digital
               Publishing/Sally Ann Wright/HB/392pp  and audio. It has been translated into fifteen
                                               languages, including Czech, Danish and Korean,
                                               and been sold in multiple territories worldwide.
                                               The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness has been
                                               a best seller since its release in April 2012 by
                                               10Publishing, helping many readers under-
                                               stand that gospel-humility means we can stop
                                               connecting every experience, every conversa-
                                               tion with ourselves and can thus be free from
                                               ISBN 9781906173418/10Publishing/
                                               Timothy Keller/PB/40 pp/£2.99
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